Magic braces, fast braces, super braces, c-fast g-fast, Smilefast - Buyer beware

It is with much concern and dismay that the orthodontic speciality watches new products pop up onto the market every few months. 

There are now more than 20 courses for general dentists to try some orthodontics. 

It is perfectly fine for general dentists to deliver very simple orthodontics. However what has been occurring in recent times is that patients are not offered a referral to the most qualified experts for orthodontic care, even when necessary.

Often the justification for this is that specialists cost more, which is plainly false. 

Some of these courses/products are quite blatant in their marketing about how easy it is to make more money out of doing "short term orthodontics".

The problem with these treatments is that the results are also short term. We see a number of patients who need comprehensive treatment following short term orthodontics.

The key difference between these types of treatment and specialist treatment, is that specialist treatment treats the roots of the teeth, the balance of the teeth and bite, and co-ordinates the teeth and jaws so that everything works in harmony. The short term orthodontic options simply unravel and flare the teeth. 

Some of these courses do 8 hours of training. Specialist Orthdontists do 10,000 plus hours. There is good reason why Orthodontists take this long to learn what they need.

Be careful when you are considering orthodontics. Its a big investment, so do it right the first time. Making the right choice now can save you a great deal of time and money in the long run.

As we say to our patients when considering where to go for their orthodontics...

Would you jump in a plane with a pilot who learnt to fly on a weekend course? Then why would you trust you or your childs smile and dental health to someone who "learnt" orthodontics over a weekend course.